Development Services releases updated fee schedule and improved fee calculation tools

front view of engineer on construction site holding plan

Following in-depth study and public comment, Asheville’s Development Services Department (DSD) has released its FY 2019 Fee Schedule, which goes into effect July 1, 2018. The new Fee Schedule is the result of nine months of analysis and customer input.

In fall 2017, DSD undertook a comprehensive study of current fees with the support of California-based Matrix Consulting Group. The study’s objectives were to:

  • Establish a fee schedule that is easily readable, understandable and calculated by staff and customers;
  • Ensure fees are consistent, fair and align with other jurisdictions of similar function and size; and,
  • Recover costs incurred by the City through staff hours, resources and other operational expenses.

In January and February 2018, DSD presented fee study findings and updated fee recommendations to the Finance Committee and Development Customers Advisory Group (DCAG).

In response to customer feedback, DSD will release a set of user-friendly Fee Schedule supplements that break out applicable fees for common project types, including residential projects, signage projects, Level I Commercial projects and Level II and III Commercial projects reviewed by the Technical Review Committee (TRC). Supplements will include streamlined fees organized for customers’ easy navigation and use.

Updated fees and improved submittal requirements checklists will also be added to many high-traffic commercial and residential permit applications. New versions of these applications, including those for Outdoor Dining and Outdoor Merchandise, Events and Temporary Use, and Pushcarts, will be available on the DSD’s website in fillable .PDF format for easy access and completion beginning in July.

At this time, DSD will also launch an updated and improved version of its Open for Business fee calculator. This web-based tool allows customers to estimate permit costs using project-specific details. The tool responds to customers’ requests for increased fee transparency and predictability.

DSD will continue to roll-out user-friendly tools and resources in summer and fall 2018 on the heels of its spring release of the Development Portal. Sign up here to stay up-to-date on all the latest news!   

The Development Services Department is at 161 S Charlotte St. For more information, visit the Development Services Department webpage or call the Planner of the Day hotline at 828-259-5450.