Complete the Census to preserve federal funds for Asheville, Buncombe County

Census NC graphic

Currently, North Carolina is severely undercounted in the 2020 Census. We are on track to lose $7.4 billion in federal funding annually. These are our tax dollars — hard earned and rightfully ours — and this funding is critical. The only way to access that money is to be fully counted.

Here’s what it will affect:

  • Roads and transportation
  • Early education
  • Senior services
  • Veterans services
  • Infrastructure that supports local businesses
  • Rural development
  • Emergency services
  • Military resources
  • Parks and recreation programs

Every response the Census Bureau records is impactful. Consider these figures:

A Census response brings $1,823 per person, per year in federal and state funds back to N.C. counties and towns.

That’s $18,230 over the decade.

For a family of five, that’s $91,150.

For a neighborhood of 150, that’s $2,734,000.

If you have not yet responded to the 2020 Census, do so immediately. It takes less than 10 minutes. All information is confidential, and specific information is unable to be accessed by law for 72 years. All that matters is that you are counted, since federal funds will be distributed by population.

Help keep our community strong.

You can respond immediately online or by phone:


Phone: 844-330-2020