Community Development and Housing Trust Fund applications open for 2015/2016

The City of Asheville’s Community and Economic Development Department is now accepting applications for CDBG and HOME grant funds, and for the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) for FY 2015-2016.

The Community and Economic Development Department manages and administers programs for Asheville and for a four county consortium, consisting of Buncombe, Henderson, Transylvania and Madison Counties, that provide affordable housing, economic opportunities and other benefits for low-income residents.

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) are federal grant programs through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which provide grant funds for eligible projects that serve Low and Moderate income residents, eliminate slum and blight, and create decent affordable housing for low-income households.

The City of Asheville’s Housing Trust Fund was created in 2000 to provide a source of local funding to assist in the development of affordable housing in Asheville. Assistance is available in the form of repayable loans at a low rate of interest.

To download the CDBG/HOME application documents and instructions visit the Community Development Funding Programs page. The deadline to submit an application for CDBG/HOME funds is February 6, 2015 at 12:00 noon.

To download the Housing Trust Fund documents and view the HTF policies, visit the Housing Trust Fund webpage. The deadline to submit an application for the Housing Trust Fund is January 5, 2015.

Pictured: The Larchmont Apartments are an example of an affordable housing project that utilized Housing Trust Funds for development.