City of Asheville’s Mark Matheny recognized as Code Official of the Year


City of Asheville’s Chief Code Official Mark Matheny contributes to the construction of some of the largest projects built in the city, including most recently the production facility for New Belgium Brewery along the French Broad River in the River Arts District.

He not only serves as Chief Code Official, but also as Building Plan Review Coordinator so you will see his signature on every Certificate of Occupancy issued by the City.

A former general contractor, Matheny has spent 16 years in code enforcement, 9 of them with the City of Asheville, working to approve projects ranging from the Asheville Outlets to Biltmore Park Town Square and most recently Cambria Hotel & Suites under construction on the corner of Battery Park Avenue and Page Street.

So it’s not a stretch to say his fingerprint is literally on all new construction in Asheville. And now he’s being recognized for his work.

At the recent board meeting for the International Code Council, Region VIII, held in Asheville, the ICC Region VIII recognized Matheny as the “Code Official of the Year” for 2016. The board bestows this honor each year on a code official who has made a significant contribution to the building profession.

Matheny has been a significant force in the ICC Region VIII Chapter, which represents the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee. He sits on the board as a director for North Carolina, and was recently voted in again as a director for the 2017 term.

Matheny is also the vice president of the North Carolina Building Inspectors Association, which is also an ICC Chapter. This organization meets on a regular basis to discuss consistency in implementing code interpretations and code enforcement. He has been awarded both the Distinguished Service Award in 2013, and the President’s Choice Award in 2011-2012, and 2014-2015. He also teaches standard certification building code courses as an adjunct instructor at A-B Tech.

As the City of Asheville’s Chief Code Official, he sets an outstanding example for the public as well as his internal staff.  He has over a dozen professional certifications/recognitions in his field, including North Carolina certificates in building, mechanical plumbing, electric and as a fire code enforcement officer. He works diligently to motivate others to obtain continuing education while he sets a professional standard to enforce public safety.

Both his wife Kathleen Matheny and daughter Caitie couldn’t be prouder of Mark and his dedication to the industry, which has spanned more than 20 years.

“When I began looking for the person or persons whom I felt were best qualified for the award, Mark immediately came to mind,” said Steve Welborn, president of the ICC Region VIII Chapter. “I explained that over the short period of years that I have been acquainted with Mark and having the opportunity to work alongside him within this (ICC Region VIII) organization, he has always been recognized for his passion for the trade.  While serving as one of the Directors of North Carolina he is continually looking out for his constituents to insure that his City and State are getting the information they need to be successful in protecting their communities from having failures during construction.  Mark recognizes that by having ‘a say’ in code changes and development it ensures a positive effect on future construction and the economics of the community. It was obvious to me and ICC Region VIII that Mark met all the qualifications needed and more to be chosen as Code Official of the Year. It was an honor to present Mark with the award and the City of Asheville can and should be proud of his accomplishments and his dedication to serve as a ‘true professional’ in his trade.”

Mark will be recognized by Asheville City Council at their April 12 meeting.