City of Asheville to update its Transit Master Plan

Updated plan will establish
a refreshed framework for future transit growth

With the goal of making Asheville’s bus transportation better, the City of Asheville will update its update its Transit Master Plan.

The goal is to establish a fresh framework for future transit growth in our community.

The Transit Master Plan will shape how and where transit service will be provided by Asheville Redefines Transit (ART). It’s designed to ensure safe, convenient and accessible public transportation for all residents, workers and visitors to the Asheville area.

Last adopted in 2010, an updated plan will provide measurable goals and detailed strategies for improving transit throughout the City. The plan will:

  • Assess existing transit services;
  • Review ART’s current operating environment;
  • Evaluate current and future mobility needs; and
  • Determine whether and how existing bus transit services can be adjusted to provide improved service levels throughout the City.

The plan is expected to be completed by summer 2018.

“As Asheville continues to grow, we need to make sure transit services are able to meet the mobility needs of the present as well as the needs of the future,” said Elias Mathes, Transit Planning Manager. “The Transit Master Plan will provide specific recommendations for improving transit service in the short-term, and will serve as a vision for future growth and expansion of transit service in the long-term. This process is about outreach and making the community part of the planning process. We will ensure that everyone’s voice is included in how we define transit in Asheville so we can make transit better together.”

The project team, led by Tindale-Oliver & Associates, will work with the City’s Transportation Department to collect data and public input to help determine what enhancements may be recommended. Information will be collected through an on-board survey of riders, an online survey of the general public, stakeholder interviews and public workshops that will focus on the public’s opinion about Asheville’s future transit growth.

The goal of the Transit Master Plan is to establish a mobility vision and program of investments that reflects consensus support and approval for more effective and efficient ART public transportation services to meet the needs of Asheville and support our continued growth.

For more information on Asheville’s Transit Master Plan and to get involved, please visit the Transit Master Plan project page on the City of Asheville Website. Several public outreach opportunities are planned, check the website for updates.

About the City of Asheville

The City of Asheville strives to provide the highest quality and most efficient municipal services possible. The City serves a population of 90,000 people with services ranging from Public Safety to Transportation, Parks & Recreation, Water Resources and more.

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Contact: Elias Mathes, Transit Planning Manager | City of Asheville

828-232-4522 |