City of Asheville to hold open house about New Leicester Highway sidewalk project



Sidewalks are coming to New Leicester Highway as part of the City’s bond program. The City of Asheville will be building a sidewalk from New Leicester Highway at Patton Avenue out to the City limit around 396 New Leicester Highway.


No sidewalk currently exists in this area. Installation of a sidewalk will provide pedestrian safety in this area lined with businesses and homes.


In partnership with the NCDOT, the plan is to build sidewalks along the north side of New Leicester Highway in spring 2020.


Come view a map and find out more about this project during an open house set for 5 to 7 p.m. Aug. 6, Land of Sky Regional Council, 339 New Leicester Highway. We look forward to sharing information with the community about this project!


About the bond projects

The $74 million in bonds approved by voters in 2016 includes projects categorized in three areas: parks ($17 million), affordable housing ($25 million) and transportation ($32 million). From planning, projects move to design process and then into construction phase. Keep up with project phase, including money spent and other details, by visiting the City’s Capital Improvement Project and Bond Dashboard at this link. Find more information about the City’s Bond initiative on the City of Asheville website, under “City Projects.” Here is a direct link.