City Hall First Floor Conference Room audiovisual upgrades create more inviting experience for guests and staff

first floor conference room screens


While City Boards and Commissions were meeting virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic, the First Floor North Conference Room in City Hall has received significant audiovisual upgrades.


Four large 86-inch flatscreen display screens for presentations have been added to the front and back of the room for ease of viewing, no matter which direction your seat is facing. Chromebooks are available for commission members seated at the dais to manage documents during the meeting. 


Sound system upgrades include the ability to control group or individual microphone levels via a new touch-panel screen at the dais clerk position. The touch-panel also allows for one-touch powering on and powering off of all microphones and 86” displays. 


Cosmetic improvements include new coats of paint and carpet cleaning.


In-person meetings for all City boards and commissions begin in August. The First Floor North Conference Room is used for City Council committees meeting and many board and Commission meetings, and also as an overflow room when the Council Chamber has reached capacity. Check out our improvements — we think you will be impressed!