City Council approves lease agreement for new south Asheville Police Resource Center location

APD logo with backdrop



The Asheville Police Department (APD) will relocate its south resource center, under a lease agreement approved by City Council.

At their Jan. 14, meeting Council approved a lease for the move of the Resource Center from the Skyland Fire and Rescue Building to a facility with more space for officers to do their job. The new resource center, at 9 Walden Ridge, includes a community/roll call room, work areas for 30 patrol officers, private offices for supervisors and ample parking. It was formerly used as a State Bureau of Investigation office.

The new space has capacity for community meetings, which was not available in the former facility. It is accessible via the Art bus system as well. The new building is more centrally located than the previous south office which allows for better response times. And the new office has a small lobby, which the previous one did not, allowing APD  to better assist walk-ins.

The space provides the option for some APD units to work offsite instead of in the crowded Municipal Building downtown.

APD expects to move into the new South Asheville Police Resource Center in April, once facility retrofits are completed.

This Council action aligns with their stated goal of promoting a well-planned and livable community.

Find the staff report and Council resolution at this link.