Calling all Asheville homebuilders: Share your input on sustainability rebates

house under construction

The City of Asheville is reevaluating its Sustainability Rebate Program and wants to hear directly from local home builders.

The program currently provides rebates on permit fees for new or renovated one and two family dwellings built under the North Carolina Residential Code that include above-minimum state code elements like solar panels, energy efficiency upgrades, and tree protection measures. 

The City has created a short survey for builders to provide feedback on the current program and to weigh in on possible changes. Whether you currently participate in the rebate program or are interested in doing so, this is your chance to influence incentives that promote advanced building practices. If you aren’t a builder but know one, please let them know about the survey. 

Asheville aims to make the Sustainability Rebate Program as impactful and accessible as possible and we need builder input to make sure that it works well for our area builders. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to shape financial incentives for builders who choose to build sustainability in Asheville. The survey will be open until June 7. Take the survey today to ensure your perspectives are reflected as the rebate program evolves. Together, we can continue propelling Asheville toward a clean and healthy environment, one high-performance home at a time.