Buncombe Street becomes 2-way as county garage opening nears

The new Buncombe County Parking Garage is expected to open towards the end of February or the first part of March. The garage is part of a new county building adjacent to Coxe Avenue.


As the new Buncombe County Parking Garage nears completion, City of Asheville Transportation Department staff recently established a new traffic pattern along Buncombe Street, from Sears Alley to Aston Street.


That section of Buncombe Street is now two-way traffic flow instead of the one-way traffic flow pattern that existed before the construction phase (see map below).


The section of Buncombe Street from Commerce Street to Sears Alley is already two-way traffic flow so when the new traffic pattern is established, the entire length of Buncombe Street will be two-way traffic flow.  In addition, there will be no on-street parking along Buncombe Street.


This move is designed to make the area more accessible for all as the Buncombe County Parking Garage nears its opening.


Staff will be making the appropriate signing changes within the next two weeks, depending on the weather, with all work be completed no later than Feb. 9.