Brush collection schedule to change July 1

In an effort to conserve costs and use city resources more efficiently, the frequency of brush collection will change from twice per month to once per month beginning July 1.

Revised brush collection schedules will be mailed to residents over the next few days. New schedules can also be viewed and downloaded on the City’s website at

The new schedule will mean brush crews will collect in one trash collection area per week. This will mean that Monday trash customers will have their brush collected the first week of each month. Brush for Tuesday trash customers will be collected the second week of the month. Wednesday trash customers will have brush collected the third week of the month, and Thursday trash customers will have their brush collected the fourth week of the month.

Brush collection will continue to occur on a scheduled week and not a specific day. Residents should make sure brush is out for collection by 7 a.m. on collection week.

Brush should be cut to four feet in length and six inches in diameter. Crews ask that residents do not mix trash, debris, garden waste, weeds, vines, construction materials, leaves or dirt. For the safety of crews, thorny trimmings should be placed in a separate pile.

For further information contact the City of Asheville at 251-1122 or visit