Haywood Streetscape construction to begin in early January 

Picture of Haywood Street and sidewalk



Fresh updates about this improvement project 


The Haywood Streetscape Improvement Project continues to move forward, with construction scheduled to begin the week of January 6 and be completed by the end of September (see phased schedule below).

The project schedule was determined with multiple factors considered and input from various parties — most specifically those directly impacted. The goal is to complete work before the busy fall season. Generally, construction hours will be 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday with occasional Saturday and evening work in the case of weather delays.

In order to provide as much clarity as possible on impacts and to meet schedule goals, a construction phasing plan was established, which the contractor will follow. This schedule was presented to the public in early September and is available on the City of Asheville’s informational webpage.  


What to expect

Before project construction starts — beginning on Dec. 18, Tennoca Construction will set up a temporary on-site office at 68 Haywood Street. The property will continue to be used for construction management and staging purposes for the duration of the project. An on-site superintendent will also be stationed there and available throughout the project. 


Lane closures can be expected throughout the project but full street closures will be limited. Notification of any full closures and coordination with those directly impacted will take place in advance. 


Beginning in phase 2 of construction (scheduled to start in early March), traffic on Haywood Street will be reduced to one lane and limited to one-way going south. On-street parking will be removed in order to accommodate the work taking place as well as loading/deliveries for businesses and re-routing as needed for pedestrians.


Sidewalk reconstruction along Haywood Street, anticipated to begin mid-April, will take place in sections on one side of the street at a time. Access to businesses and residential entryways will be maintained. There will be notification and coordination with those directly impacted in advance of each section of work.


Access to the Rankin and Civic Center Parking decks will be maintained throughout the project. The public is encouraged to download the Asheville App and use the “Find Parking” tool to locate available spaces in City and County parking decks. 


Upcoming opportunity for questions

City and Municipal Sewerage District staff involved with the project will again be available for “open office hours” so that those impacted or otherwise interested in getting more information and asking questions can do so. This drop-by opportunity is between 3 and 5 p.m. Thursday (Dec. 19) at the Asheville Downtown Association office, 29 Haywood St. 


On-going communications

Once construction begins, the City will share bi-weekly email updates detailing what’s happening when. You can sign up to receive email updates or reference the updates on the project page. Public monthly drop-by opportunities will also be set up for questions to be addressed. 


The City is also supporting the Asheville Downtown Association to develop a marketing and wayfinding campaign that promotes impacted businesses during construction. Contact Meghan Rogers, Asheville Downtown Association executive director, for more information. 


Project background

The project scope includes sidewalk rehabilitation, street resurfacing, stormwater improvements, sanitary sewer improvements, and the sourcing, siting and installation of various street amenities. A key component is the replacement of the blue stone in the sidewalk on Haywood Street. The streetscape portion of project (sidewalk replacement and amenities on Haywood Street) is funded by the Transportation Bond Referendum that passed in 2016, prioritized as a safety issue and a major need by the City and various boards, committees and associations over the past several years.


The project involves a partnership between the City and Buncombe County Municipal Sewerage District in order to maximize coordination and cost-sharing. 

You can find out more about the project, including notes and presentations from previous meetings as well as sign up for updates at: www.ashevillenc.gov/haywoodstreetscape.