Asheville storm runoff mapped to Mississippi River

Have you ever wondered where the water in the French Broad River goes? Or where it comes from, for that matter?


A new tool created by the City of Asheville Stormwater Services GIS team titled “Wandering Your Watershed” maps out the waterflow — from its many local tributaries, to the Tennessee River, then through Kentucky, ending up at the mouth of the mighty Mississippi. That’s right! We’re all part of a very large and important river system.


There are 39 locally designated watersheds that are totally or partially within the Asheville city limits. While some of them drain directly to the French Broad River, many drain to either the Swannanoa River, Hominy Creek, Reems Creek, or Cane Creek before reaching the French Broad.


Here’s why good stormwater management matters: The runoff from parking lots, farming operations and industry can end up in the French Broad River. Remember, we all live downstream, and clean waterways matter.


“ ‘Wandering Your Watershed’ provides a big-picture look at our local watersheds and the impacts our community could have on our downstream neighbors,” said Public Works GIS Coordinator Sarah Sheldon.


Think about this: Stormwater from Asheville that flows into the French Broad River can carry pollutants all the way to the Mississippi River.


Nobody wants that!


“Wandering Your Watershed” not only provides a compelling visual narrative of where the water goes, it gives the viewer resources to protect water quality. Under the “Lending a Hand” section, look for links to local organizations, Federal government resources, and information regarding the importance of good stormwater management.


We encourage everyone to view this informative online tool. Visit “Wandering Your Watershed” for further insight about your role in our local watersheds and impacts downstream.