Asheville Special Events office launches monthly open houses

Photo of festival in Pack Square Park

Beginning on Thursday, Sept. 19, the City of Asheville will begin a series of monthly informal, open house/community meeting opportunities to meet with businesses and residents who are interested in producing special events within Asheville city limits.

Whether the event is held on public or private property, indoors or outside, the objective is to help guide event organizers through the permitting requirements for temporary event uses of public and private properties. Event organizers will be able to speak with staff from Risk Management, Development Services, Parks & Recreation, Police, Fire, Public Works, Transportation, Parking Services, Transit, and Communications.

The monthly meetings are coordinated through the Special Events office at Community & Economic Development.

Special events open house

When: 11 a.m. to noon the third Thursday of each month, starting Sept. 19.

Where: Public Works Building, 161 S. Charlotte St.

Want more information?

Visit Or get in touch with City of Asheville Outdoor Event Manager

Jon Fillman at or 828-259-5738. Also, you can schedule a meeting with him through this link: