Asheville residents invited to serve on City boards and commissions

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The City of Asheville currently has openings on eight citizen advisory committees.

Do you want to have a voice in the City’s growth and future? Have you wondered, “Can the City benefit from my experience and knowledge?” Do you want to be a part of the body that is responsible for making recommendations to City Council regarding policy, service and education? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then here are some opportunities to step forward and put your perspective, leadership and knowledge to task by serving on one of the many committees we have to offer.


The deadline for receiving applications for these openings is 5 p.m. June 7.


For more information or an application form, please visit of City’s Boards and Commissions webpage or contact the City Clerk’s Office at 828-259-5839 or


 AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE COMMISSION — The Commission shall have the following powers and duties: (a) Develop rules for the conduct of its business, including but not limited to meeting schedules, election of officers, voting, subcommittees, et al.; (2) Develop a plan to identify, create, encourage, promote and implement projects that will recognize, increase and expand the awareness of the contributions of African-Americans throughout the City-County area; and (3) Create plans to identify and recognize sites in the community that are significant to African-American history; encourage and promote economic activity related to the African American community; and propose other projects that are consistent with the goals of the Commission.


CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION — Some duties of the Commission include (1) reviewing and making recommendations on programming goals and objectives for each venue in the Civic Center; (2) establishing a method for handling of customer service complaints; (3) developing and making recommendations regarding long range plans for the Civic Center; (4) reviewing and making recommendations on proposals for changes in the fees and charges for use of Civic Center facilities; (5) encouraging promotion of sports, recreation, entertainment and cultural events and activities, and to facilitate the use of the services and facilities of the Civic Center; and (6) performing other such tasks and functions as the City Council may direct.


ASHEVILLE-BUNCOMBE CRIMESTOPPERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS — The responsibilities of this committee is to review crimes and set awards for information leading to the arrest and indictment of felony crime offenders and to capture fugitives. The committee offers anonymity to persons who furnish information.


HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION — Some duties of the Commission include (1) recommend to City Council and County Commissioners “historic districts” and “landmarks”; (2) restoring, preserving and operating historic properties; (3) recommend to City Council and County Commissioners that designation of historic districts to be revoked or removed for cause; and (4) review and act upon proposals for alterations, demolitions, or new construction within historic districts, or for alteration or demolition of designated landmarks. Members shall have a demonstrated special interest, experience or education in history, archeology, architecture or related fields.


 MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION — Members shall represent various modes of transportation to include, but not be limited to:  transit, greenways, automobiles, bikes, pedestrians, etc.  Members shall possess expertise and interest in the sustainability and development of multimodal transportation and demonstrate willingness to participate actively.  This Commission will (1) recommend policies for the development/ integration of multimodal transportation planning and education to the City; (2) assist with the development of a multimodal transportation system; (3) assist the City with the implementation of best management practices for educating the public on the benefits of multimodal transportation; (4) assist in the sustainability, development and implementation of the multimodal transportation plan; and (5) assist in the prioritization of the Capital Improvement Plan as it relates to multimodal transportation projects.


NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE — The Committee was established to advise the City Council on neighborhoods within the City of Asheville’s zoning and planning jurisdiction. The Commission shall have the following powers and duties: (1) Develop rules and by-laws for the conduct of its business, including but not limited to meeting schedules, officers, voting, sub-committees; (2) Develop a plan to strengthen neighborhood identity and resilience, and to facilitate communication and cooperation between Asheville’s neighborhoods and City offices; (3) Develop benchmarks and standards by which progress towards implementing the plan can be measured; and (4) Work on special projects that are consistent with the goals of the committee, as assigned or directed by Council.


PUBLIC ART AND CULTURAL COMMISSION — The Commission is responsible for promoting and maintaining art displays in public buildings and public spaces in the City of Asheville.  In addition the Commission (1) facilitates public art in public buildings and public spaces; (2) engages the creative sector as a major attraction for artists, cultural tourism and economic development; (3) encourages public confidence for and appreciation of the arts in Asheville; (4) works to build partnerships and collaborations throughout Asheville’s creative community; and (5) aids in strengthening the organizational structure of public and cultural arts delivery. The Public Art and Cultural Commission shall follow its Public Art Policy and Implementation Guidelines as modified and/or amended every five years; and (6) recommends to City Council the acceptance of works of art.


RECREATION BOARD — The Board advises City Council on various matters pertaining to the operation of park facilities and recreation programs within the City of Asheville, to make policy recommendations to City Council, and to carry out duties as may be assigned to them by City Council.