Asheville residents invited to review State Street resurfacing and sidewalk design

road paving file photo


As part of the bond projects initiative, the City of Asheville is preparing to resurface State Street in West Asheville. This project includes sidewalk improvements and pedestrian enhancements, including ADA improvements and enhanced crosswalk improvements.


Stormwater infrastructure improvements have already been installed along State Street in advance of this project.


During an October meeting, residents were invited to give feedback on design options for this 1.26-mile project. Using that feedback and keeping within budget, a design has been drafted. Before the project begins, the City would like to bring this design to the community for review.


Please join City staff for the State Street resurfacing and sidewalk project design review from 5:30 to 7 p.m. June 6 at the West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road.

This project is scheduled for construction in late 2019 into 2020.


About the bond projects

The $74 million in bonds approved by voters in 2016 includes projects categorized in three areas: parks ($17 million), affordable housing ($25 million) and transportation ($32 million). From planning, projects move to design process and then into construction phase. Keep up with project phase, including money spent and other details, by visiting the City’s Capital Improvement Project and Bond Dashboard at this link. Find more information about the City’s Bond initiative on the City of Asheville website, under “City Projects.” Here is a direct link.

For more information about the State Street project, please contact Streets Division Manager Chad Bandy at or 828-259-5431.