RADTIP demolition begins in Asheville’s River Arts District

Demolition of the Anders Tobacco Warehouse happened Aug. 22.

When driving along Riverside Drive, you will notice a few changes. On August 22, the demolition of Anders Tobacco Warehouse got underway as part of the River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project (RADTIP).

Neighbors can expect to see more demolition activity as the old 12 Bones Smokehouse building will soon be demolished as well. The popular barbecue restaurant successfully relocated to 5 Foundry St. earlier this year.

Demolition is the next step in the RADTIP project. It will pave the way for construction activities.

There has been a lot of RADTIP activity this week. At its Aug. 22 meeting, Asheville City Council unanimously approved a 10- to 12-foot multiuse path and a protected bike lane on the southern portion of the project.

On Aug. 23, City of Asheville staff gathered with Council members and community partners for a RADTIP groundbreaking.

Making way for improvements

Near where the old 12 Bones Smokehouse stood will be a traffic circle, for safer traffic flow. (See map rendering below.)

The demolition of the Anders Tobacco Warehouse is part of RADTIP’s storm water improvements. After demolition, construction will begin on a retention pond where Anders once stood.  The addition of a retention pond is an environmental solution to help keep the river clean. Storm water runoff collects pollutants, chemicals and debris as it flows over paved surfaces and into water bodies. With the additional for the retention pond, runoff from each rain event is detained and treated in the pool. The retention time promotes pollutant removal.


The River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project (RADTIP) is a 2.2 mile piece of the Wilma Dykeman Riverway, an urban parkway designed to support sustainable development along approximately 8 miles of French Broad River and Swannanoa River corridor.  The project includes roadway improvements, sidewalks, street trees, bike lanes, greenway, on-street parking, public art and stormwater improvements along Lyman Street and Riverside Drive adjacent to the French Broad River. The project will improve the horizontal and vertical clearance at the Norfolk Southern Railroad Bridge, improve safety at intersections and at three railroad crossings in the area.

Half of the construction cost of RADTIP is funded through a $14.6 million TIGER VI grant from the federal Transportation Department, a $2.5 million grant from the Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority, and two grants from state of North Carolina. The City share comes from a combination of parking and storm water funds, general funds and City debt proceeds used to finance the Capital Improvements Plan.

After seven years of planning this project with the community, construction began in August 2017. RADTIP demolition and construction will continue through 2020.

For more information, visit the RADTIP project webpage. Or contact Strategic Development Office Director Stephanie Monson Dahl at 828-232-4502 or SMonson@ashevillenc.gov.