Asheville Police Department modifying patrol response procedures to minimize spread of COVID-19

APD patrol graphic



The Asheville Police Department (APD) remains dedicated to providing the highest level of public safety to everyone in Asheville. In an effort to protect those who are at risk, minimize the spread of COVID-19, and to maintain the health and safety of APD officers and personnel, APD is implementing several procedural changes effective immediately.

All non-emergency calls for service will be handled by an officer over the phone in an effort to limit person-to-person contact. Examples of non-emergency calls for service include:

  • Stolen property of a value less than $1000 (this does not include residential or commercial breaking and entering, stolen firearms, and stolen motor vehicles)

  • Damage to property (with a minimal amount of damage)

  • Harassing phone calls

  • Fraud, scams, or identity theft

  • Lost property

  • Other information only reports which do not require immediately police action and/or enforcement

For most other calls for service an officer will provide on-scene response practicing social distancing by maintaining a 6-foot distance when possible. Examples of situations where an officer would provide in-person response includes:

  • Incidents that require immediate police action and/or enforcement

  • Incidents that would require an officer to collect further information or evidence

  • Missing persons

  • Incident involving juveniles

  • Traffic accidents, to include hit and runs

If you have an emergency, contact 9-1-1 immediately.