Asheville Police: ‘Be A Connection’ for children during Child Abuse Prevention Month

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The Asheville Police Department along with Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina (PCANC) realize the importance of caring connections, supportive environments, and positive experiences for all children and families during Child Abuse Prevention Month in April. 


April is a time to help community members learn the important role they play in fostering safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments children need for healthy development.


All adults play a role in creating caring connections and nurturing environments for the healthy development of our future generation of parents, leaders, and community members. 


According to the Buncombe County Health and Human Services Social Services Program Coordinator, if a child discloses information regarding possible abuse, the following actions should be considered.


Show your care and concern by:

  • Listening carefully to what the child is saying.
  • Telling the child that you believe him or her.
  • Telling the child that the abuse is not his or her fault.


You will not be helping the child if you:

  • Make promises to the child that you cannot keep.
  • Push the child to give you details about the abuse (your role is to listen
  • to what the child wants to tell you).
  • Ask direct or leading questions of the child (this might interfere with the
  • investigation).
  • Discuss what the child told you with others who are not directly involved
  • with helping the child.


Child Protective Services is a 24 hour a day, 7-day-a-week service.

Business hours are 8 am to 5 pm Monday- Friday. During these hours, call 828-250-5900 to make a Child Protective Services complaint.


After hours, holidays and weekends, call 911(unable to dial from a cell phone, motel room or pay phone) or 828-250-5900, and ask to speak to an on-call social worker.


NEVER leave a voicemail regarding child abuse or neglect.


Additional resource: Recognizing and Reporting Child Maltreatment

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