Asheville firefighters to participate in free smoke alarm canvas Saturday

Red Cross volunteers, Asheville firefighters,
AmeriCorps volunteers to i
nstall FREE smoke alarms
and educate West Asheville residents on home fire prevention


Asheville firefighters, American Red Cross volunteers and AmeriCorps volunteers will spend Saturday, May 7, walking door-to-door installing free smoke alarms and distributing fire safety information to residents in neighborhoods surrounding Hall Fletcher Elementary School. They will be having conversations with residents on ways to better prevent home fires and how to better protect themselves and their loved ones should they experience a fire. The team will also provide residents with fire safety printed materials.

What:  Volunteers and firefighters will walk door-to-door throughout the area, talk with residents, check and install free smoke alarms and educate residents how to create a household fire escape plan and leave behind fire safety tips.

When: Begins at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 7.

Where: Hall Elementary School, 60 Ridgelawn Road, Asheville.

Why: Working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying in a home fire in half.

Media contacts

  • Asheville Fire Department:  Kelly Hinz 828-768-1434.
  • Red Cross:  Rebecca Evans 828-712-5468.

The best defense against a home fire is  being prepared!