Asheville Fire Department accepting applications for Citizens Fire Academy

Fire Citizens Academy

The Asheville Fire Department is accepting applications for its Citizens Fire Academy, which will start March 27.


The academy lasts nine consecutive weeks consisting of three hour classes held on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. with an additional day for graduation.


The Citizens Fire Academy teaches adult residents 18 years and older about the philosophy, policies and guiding principles of the Asheville Fire Department and its services to the community. It gives residents an inside look at the challenges firefighters face daily. Residents also have an opportunity to offer comments, ideas and solutions.


The academy consists of basic classroom instruction, presentations and demonstrations on topics such as the history of the AFD, Fire Marshal’s Office functions, fire prevention methods, hazardous materials mitigation, rescue operations, ladder operations and engine operations. Participants also get an opportunity to ride on a fire truck.


The Citizens Fire Academy is designed to:

  • Increase public awareness of fire department responsibilities and operations.
  • Build a stronger relationship between the community and the Asheville Fire Department.
  • Provide the public the opportunity for feedback and suggestions.
  • Increase community support and awareness about the Asheville Fire Department operations through education and exchanging of ideas.
  • Create responsible, well-informed citizens who influence public opinion on the Asheville Fire Department operations, practices, and services.


For an application, visit this link.

For more information, please contact Charley Cox at