Asheville City Hall goes to the dogs for one day

Asheville Finance Director Barbara Whitehorn brought Bubbleleh, a long-haired Chihuahua, to work Friday, Jan. 15.


Canine companions were allowed to accompany a few Asheville City Hall employees Friday, Jan. 15, as part of a contest. Employees who contributed to this year’s United Way campaign were eligible to enter a drawing to allow them to bring their dog to work for the day.

Many of the employees brought little dog beds and toys to keep their pooches preoccupied. All of them were issued United Way bandanas to wear for the day.

City of Asheville employees raised $50,645.39 for this year’s United Way campaign. The bring-your-dog-to-work day raised an additional $250.

Besides contributions employees held creative fundraisers for the campaign, ranging from a chili cook-off in the Asheville Fire Department to book sales and bake sales and even a doughnut delivery day.

Here are pictures of the dogs and their owners. It was a fun day!