Asheville City Council authorizes funds for ART Station renovation

transit station rendering
Rendering of the new ART Transit Station.

ART bus riders can look forward to an improved transit station downtown in the next year.


At their Feb. 12 meeting, Asheville City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a contract for the first phase of the renovation — the stormwater drainage improvement project to the bus travel lanes and sidewalk. This work is expected to begin in March. Local contactor NHM Constructors Inc. of Asheville won the bid.


Once the stormwater installation is complete, the station renovation will begin. The renovation will improve the passenger experience by updating digital displays, renovating the passenger waiting area and bathrooms and updating the lighting. Of note, this phase of the project will incorporate the installation of solar panels on the ART Station passenger canopy. The ART Station will be run on solar energy.


Together, the projects are expected to last from March through winter 2019-2020. Funds to pay for both Capital Improvements Projects were allocated in the Adopted Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget.


During construction, buses may load passengers on Asheland Avenue. A temporary ticketing and restroom facility will be brought on site. The City will make every effort to mitigate impacts to our valued riders and the buses will run as scheduled.


More information is available on the City of Asheville website, and will be updated throughout the project.