Bond project highlight: Martin Luther King Jr. Drive

Martin Luther King Jr. Drive will be completely repaved in 2018 as part of the bond projects.



What’s happening on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive? Sidewalk, curb and gutter replacement is beginning on the east end near College Street in advance of a road resurfacing project of the entire length of the street in spring. Orange construction barrels have been placed on both sides of the street along the length of Martin Luther King Jr. Drive.

In meetings with City staff, neighborhood residents have been helpful in working with the City to identify new crosswalk opportunities for this bond project.

While this project will involve some lane closures the street itself will not be closed during construction now, over the winter or in the spring. Every effort will be made to keep driveways and sidewalks accessible to residents during this resurfacing project.

By the way, Martin Luther King Jr. Drive is what is considered a “complete street,” in that it has places for pedestrians, motorists and bike lanes for bicyclists. It will be even better when this project is complete.

The $74 million in bonds approved by voters in 2016 includes projects categorized in three areas: parks ($17 million), affordable housing ($25 million) and transportation ($32 million). The Martin Luther King Jr. Drive project cost is $2.5 million, including sidewalks and other infrastructure.