ART buses, City of Asheville offices on weather delay; trash pickup cancelled

UPDATE: Due to continued snowy road conditions, ART bus service has been delayed until noon. Once it begins routes may be detoured, depending on road conditions. 

Due to inclement weather and snowy road conditions, particularly on secondary roads, Asheville Sanitation (trash, recycling, brush, and bulky collection) are cancelled for today.

Sanitation will operate on its “closure schedule,” and collections for the rest of the week will be delayed by one day. Tuesday customers will be collected Wednesday; Wednesday on Thursday; and Thursday on Friday.

Also City of Asheville offices will open at 9 a.m.

Buncombe County has announced that the mass vaccination site at Reynolds High School will open at 10 a.m.

Asheville Public Works crews are out addressing streets. Priority 1 routes are mostly wet with some slick areas. Priority 2 roads are about 50% covered with snow and ice. For everyone’s safety, please stay off the roads, if possible.