Asheville City Board of Education

What is a board of education and why is it important? A local board of education serves a vital role in our community by helping steer the educational journeys of our children. Its decisions influence the lives of students and their parents, teachers, school staff, and district leadership, and impact the overall well-being of the community. The Asheville City Board of Education serves as the governing body of The Asheville City Schools. This board establishes the vision for education in the district. It sets the goals, standards, and tone for what we want our public schools to be and ensures that these schools are responsive to the needs of our local community.  The school board serves the larger purposes of representing the needs of the community in our schools, building bridges among parents, school leadership, and other sectors of the community, and ensuring that our schools are the best they can be.


Regular Scheduled Meetings

The board meets the second Monday of each month (unless regular date is a holiday and/or as noted in schedule) at 5:00 p.m. at the Asheville City School Administrative Offices at 85 Mountain St. The normal length of the meeting is two hours. In addition to the regular board meetings, the board holds work sessions one week prior to the regular board meeting (unless noted) at 5:00 p.m. in Room 203 of Administrative Offices at 85 Mountain Street, Asheville.

For more information, visit Asheville City Schools website.


Members must be Asheville City residents and live within the Asheville City Schools District. Additionally, they must be registered voters and not be employed by the Asheville City Schools district.

Serving as a board member demands time, energy, and a willingness to listen. Members of the board of education agree to serve for four years, up to two times.

Apply to Become a Board Member

Those who are interested in serving on the board of education are encouraged to submit an application. In addition, final candidates may be interviewed.

More Information: Asheville City Board of Education Webpage.